Open Tenant Management page

The Tenant Management page is used for managing the list of installed services of your managed customer tenants. This page includes the the following:

A list of all Interaction Insights services both Active and Deleted that exist under the customer of the managed Service Provider or Channel.
System Activity log reporting all synchronization events with the Service Portal for each managed service entity.
Audit trail reporting all actions performed on the service entity definitions in Live Platform .
To open the Tenant Management page:
1. In the Services page, from the Service Actions drop-down, choose Interaction Insights > Open Management Portal.

The Tenant Management page is displayed.

The table below describes the fields in the Tenant Management screen.



Tenant Name

Full Name of the customer tenant service.

Short Name

Short Name of the customer tenant service.

Creation Date

Date and time when the service was added to the Live Platform .

Created By

Name of the Live Platform operator who created the service.


Deployment status of the service. One of the following values:

In Progress-Pending Consents
Deletion Failed
Deployment Error

Delete Button

Action for removing the service from Live Platform .

Edit Button

Action for editing the details of the service (see Edit a Service).

2. In the Navigation pane, click System Activity Log to view a list of synchronization events with the Service Portal for each managed service entity.